How To Get Rid of Skunk Smell, According to Chemists

how to remove skunk smell from house

They stink, and they can make you, your pets, and your house smell for weeks. Removing skunk odor is not a fun experience, and getting a skunk smell out of the house can be tricky without the right products and techniques. Swap out the peroxide for distilled white vinegar, which is slightly less effective but less stinging, still taking care to be extra gentle around sensitive spots. This old-timey skunk odor remedy may briefly mask the smell, but it doesn’t have the goods to get rid of it.

STEP 1: Mix a cleaning solution.

Mix one part bleach with nine parts water to form a deodorizing mixture which is safe for hard surfaces only. Test the solution on a small area to make sure the structure does not discolor due to the bleach solution. Use this mixture under the house and on porches, patios and concrete areas. Living in an area where wildlife tends to come and go close to your house can mean critters sometimes come close enough to your property to cause damage.

How To Get Rid Of Skunk Smell On Dogs in Steps – Dogster -

How To Get Rid Of Skunk Smell On Dogs in Steps – Dogster.

Posted: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 14:21:41 GMT [source]

Getting Skunk Odor Out of Your Car

There are several at-home techniques and commercial products that can help remove skunk smell. Grab a large bucket (large enough to hold the stinky clothing plus water) and mix in 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 6 parts water (except on delicates). This article will discuss four ways to eliminate the skunk smell in your house.

Inspect Pets before Letting Them Inside

That stinky smell in your home may be a result of skunks present in the area where you live. It is commonly understood that a skunk’s spray may be a direct reason for the stink in your home. The composition of sewer gas includes sulfur dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and esters. A 2019 study revealed that exposure to any levels of hydrogen sulfide may be toxic to oxygen systems in the body.

STEP 1: Mix up a cleaning solution.

If you don't know how to get skunk smell out of your house, you can consider using baking soda to absorb skunk oil. Usually, skunks release pungent oil that will likely make your eyes water. It's not something that you can just wash away with cold water. Creative approaches such as using baking soda can help absorb the pungent smell. If you don't have vinegar, baking soda, or any commercial foul-smell remover, you can promote airflow by opening doors and windows to eliminate the skunk smell. Allowing air in your home will help dissipate the gas and make the house bearable.

It also vaporizes quickly, permeating practically everything it touches.

To help a skunk hold on to its best defense for when they need it, look for the signs and back off before it's too late! Eastern spotted skunks will get downright acrobatic before spraying (see photo above). Not to state the obvious, but not getting sprayed in the first place is your best bet. Skunks are nocturnal and somewhat shy—but will spray if they feel threatened. That said, it takes a while—up to a week—for a skunk to replenish its supply of spray, meaning that it will try to reserve it for when it's necessary.

how to remove skunk smell from house

STEP 3: Thoroughly rinse your pet with clean water.

These animals only come out at night, but their stench lingers far too long after they’re gone. If you had a severe problem, it might seem like the smell won’t leave no matter what you do. There are only two atoms that create this odor when combined, and they are one sulfur and one hydrogen atom bonded together. These atoms are called thiols, and they belong to a group that is similar to alcohols. The mix cannot be covered or stored because it can explode a closed container. To get rid of the leftover solution, dilute it heavily with water, and pour down the drain.

Deodorizing Skunk Odor:

how to remove skunk smell from house

When they do this, it can result in a skunk-like smell on your carpet. Sometimes when your home is above the ground, a skunk can make its home underneath. When this happens, the result is often a strong skunk smell penetrating to the inside of your home.

It’s best to dilute it with water and pour it down the drain when finished. Also, don’t leave the hydrogen peroxide on your pet for more than five minutes, as it can lighten their fur color. This will help to dissipate the gas and make the house more bearable. However, it's important to carefully open the windows and doors, as you don't want to let the skunk back inside! Once the gas has dissipated, you can vacuum or mop up any lingering odor.

She is also a Master Gardener with over 40+ years of experience and 20+ years of writing experience. Mary is also a member of The Spruce Gardening and Plant Care Review Board. Urine or animal droppings can sometimes also smell as though something is dead and rotting, so this might be a possibility as well. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove oil residue and other debris in the affected area. Apply this solution to the affected area, such as walls, furniture, and clothing.

Then create a homemade mixture of 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon grease-cutting dish detergent, and 1/4 cup of baking soda. Lather this mixture into your pet’s fur and let it sit for five minutes — don’t leave it for longer than this as it may begin to lighten their fur. Rinse thoroughly and wash your pet with their normal shampoo. Repeat the steps as often as necessary until the smell has disappeared. When it comes to how to get rid of skunk smell in house and yard areas, the best thing to do first is air out the house by opening windows and using fans. Most of all, remember that addressing skunk smell removal immediately can save you days of multiple showers and endless house cleaning.

The longer the foul odor remains around, the more it becomes unbearable. It spreads in various rooms while sticking to clothes, furniture, and carpets, exacerbating a worse situation. Also, you should run your central air system and set your fans to their highest setting. Opening windows and doors will also let in sunlight, which can help oxidize the foul odor. Remember to vacuum your house and replace air filters to remove any lingering smells.

In addition, the foul odors may be a result of a gas leak in the HVAC system. If your grass and bushes have been sprayed or contacted by your stinky pet, you should know how to remove the skunk smell without killing your plants. Since the hydrogen peroxide mixture is safe for most plants, this is going to be your best bet.

When you’re done, be sure to change the air filters in your HVAC system or the odors might hang around. A skunk gives off a musky odor that you often smell before you see them. Human noses are extremely sensitive to a skunk, and can detect skunk musk in parts as small as one part per billion. After removing all food sources, employ the following techniques to get skunks to vamoose even more readily.

You may need to reapply baking soda more than once, but it will eventually absorb all the odor, leaving your house clean. Any contact with hydrogen peroxide solution can irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Ensure you wear protective clothing such as gloves, goggles, and other personal protective equipment to avoid contact. Skunks are small mammals known for their distinct black and white colors and ability to deter predators or mark their territory with a foul-smelling spray. They are found in every corner of the United States, so you should not be surprised when you see one in your backyard.


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